On the Settings page, the three following sections could be managed :
User Management
Organization Settings
Shipping Fee Preferences.
The details of each section will be explained below.

3.1 User Management
In User Management, the supplier could do the following actions by clicking on Actions on the right side.
Create User: Manually fill in all the user information.
Export All Users: An excel file will be downloaded, and it contains all the users’ information on the website.
Download User Template: Adding users by filling all their information in the user template excel file.
Bulk Upload Users Data: Uploading excel sheet contains all the user information to add them as new users to the system.
3.1.1 Create User.
To add users to the vendor account Click on Settings, User Management, then Actions, select Create User.

Then fill in all the necessary information of the new user, and click save.

New users need to repeat the change password steps covered in the beginning. Click here.
3.1.2 Export All users
An excel file will be downloaded that will contain all the users’ information.

3.1.3 Download User Template
Instead of adding users manually to the system, the vendor can download user templates and fill in their information. By clicking on Download User Template an excel sheet will be downloaded.

After filling in all the required information, save the file and upload it.
3.1.4 Bulk Upload Users Data
To upload the user template follow the steps below:
Click on Action, then Bulk upload user data
Select the right file (The excel sheet you download User Template)
A message will appear saying “Users added successfully”

3.2 Organization Setting
In the Organization Settings, the seller could edit the following information:
Upload Logo
Organization name
Marketplace Store Name
Registration No.
Tax Certificate No.
Bank Account Information
Add “About Us” and write about the vendor (adding images is possible).
Add Terms and Conditions
Uploading Supporting Documents
See the below images as an example.

To apply the Supplier’s logo for their store in Penny Souq, click on Upload Logo. Moreover, Marketplace Store Name, Organization Name, Company Registration No. and VAT Registration No are mandatory fields if some of them are not filled the supplier must fill them.

It is essential to fill all the Address fields such as Building No., Street, Zip Code, etc., Moreover, if the supplier wishes to change the Module Setting all they need to do is to click on Change beside Module Settings, then the supplier can choose which modules to appear on their account and what’s not.

If the supplier turns on/off some of these modules, they need to click on the Confirm button after finishing.

The supplier could write briefly about their organization in the About Us field and add attachments. By clicking on Add Supporting Documents under the About Us section. Moreover, they could write the terms and conditions of their organization in the Terms and Conditions section. Same as The About Us section they could upload supporting documents.

To save all entered information, click on the Save button.
3.3 Shipping Fees (Direct Purchase order Only)
Shipping Fees are only applied on Direct Purchase Orders. The supplier must fill this section for all locations before they receive any order from the customers if they wish to charge on the Direct Order. Buyers won't be charged for any upcoming Direct Order shipment fees if this section is not filled.
To Apply shipping fees to all cities in Saudi Arabia. Click on Settings, Shipping Fee Preferences. Each shipping location could have a different shipping fee or they could have the same. To do that follow the below steps. First, choose the desired shipping location.

In the example below, the chosen location is Dammam.

Secondly, set default one the right range for the chosen delivery location. The first order range is the, Minimum is set : 0 SAR (cannot be changed). The maximum in this example is 1000 SAR. This could be changed by adding a new order range by clicking on +ADD RANGE. Thirdly, set the minimum value to the number you want to be the maximum to the first range. See the example below.

Here we wanted to make the max for the first range:500 SAR, so we added a new range and made the min to 501 SAR. It will automatically change the maximum for the 1st range to a smaller number by -1. This is how to set the maximum and minimum. You could set as many ranges as you want, and you could delete them easily by clicking on Remove.

Fourthly, apply the tax on the shipping fees, click on Taxes, then click on the box beside VAT. If you don’t wish to apply tax, leave the box unclicked. Then determine the shipping fee by writing the value in the textbox under Shipping Fee. The default one is set to 0 SAR, if you don't want to charge for example order with 500 SAR and more leave it to 0.

After filling in the right Shipping fee click on SAVE. The message will appear saying “Shipping Preferences saved successfully”. Apply the same to other locations.

See how shipping fees apply on direct orders here.