Products & Catalogues

Products & Catalogues

1. Products & Catalogues

In this section, you will be able to view all the products that you added. By clicking on Products and Catalogues on the left-side menu, it will show you this page. At the top left, Marketplace is where you can see all the products that are available in the penny marketplace. Moreover, on the right side, My Products is where you can view all your products.  When you scroll down you will find a few options regarding your products. 

  • 1.1 Download Options 
    • 1.1.1 Download Marketplace Pricing Template: it will download the Excel sheet template to be used for importing Marketplace Prices of products.
    • 1.1.2 Export My Products Prices: this is where you export all your products along with their associated Marketplace prices.  Will export a Maximum of 5000 products.  
  • 1.2 Upload Options: Import My Product Prices is a sheet containing your product’s name and other information including the price of your products.  You could use this option to update the product’s prices as well. 

1.1 Download options 

1.1.1 Download Marketplace Pricing Template

After the vendors’ data is uploaded to the marketplace, the supplier needs to update the price of the products.  By default, all products are allowed to RFQ, unless the supplier has updated their price. 

There are three sheets in the excel file.  The first sheet in the picture above is “Vendor Prices”. 
  1. Penny SKU:  To get the SKU of the desired product, check the marketplace catalog.  It may be the same as the one the vendor has provided to the penny business development team.  However, it could be a new SKU generated by Penny's business development team for some reason. 
  2. Product Name: Write the product name that is associated with SKU, and it could be left empty since the system will replace it automatically.  It is used for the vendor’s reference while editing the sheet. 
  3. Vendor SKU: if you have a specific SKU for your products, you could write them in this column for your reference.
  4. Price: The exact price for your product, and you don’t have to write the currency it will automatically be (SR). 
  5. Tax ID: fill in the desired Tax id for each product (could be found in the 2nd sheet under “Tax reference” name).  This column should be filled with all products.  If it is not filled by default the system will apply 15% for all products that have an empty Tax ID. 
  6. UOM ID (Unit of Measurements): Apply the desired UOM for each product (could be found in the third sheet under this name “UOM reference”). If this column is not filled by default it will be the price per Unit
  7. Allow Direct Purchase: (YES/NO) it is either Yes or No. Do you allow the customer to ask for a Direct Purchase of this product? 
  8. Min. Qty for Direct Purchase: the minimum amount that is allowed for direct purchase. It should be a numeric value. 
  9. Allow RFQ: (YES/NO) it is either Yes or No. Do you allow the customer to ask for RFQ for this product? 
  10. Min. Qty for RFQ: the minimum amount that is allowed for RFQ.  It should be a numeric value. 
  11. Min. ETA: the minimum estimated time for arrival, the time you expect the order to arrive at the customer.  It should be a numeric value and is counted in Days. 
  12. Inventory Qty: the total quantity of your products that are available in the inventory. It should be a numeric value. 
  13. Available: : (YES/NO) it is either Yes or No.  Is this product available now? 

  • Make sure to write the exact Penny SKU, because the system is Case-Sensitive, an error may occur while uploading the template.  
  • All the (YES/NO) columns must have Yes or No as an answer.  Any other answer the system will not accept, and an error message will be displayed. 
  • If the vendor found pre-existing products in Penny Souq, and they sell the exact products with its specifications.  They can add them to their account by copying the SKUs and pasting them in the Marketplace Pricing Template sheet.  

1.1.2 Export My Products Prices

AS we discussed before, you can export your products’ information including their prices by clicking on Export My Product Prices.  Then, an excel sheet will download to your device. 

This can be used to quickly edit your existing products on the marketplace, simply edit the exported My Product Pricing sheet, then import it again to apply your changes.

*Please note that the sheet will only contain a maximum of 5000 products. 

1.2 Upload Options

Furthermore, after filling out the Marketplace Pricing Template sheet and making sure it is saved.  To upload the Vendor products’ price to their account. click on Import My Product Price  If the uploading is done successfully a green message at the top right corner will appear on the screen.  

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