
On the main page, Penny Souq categories are shown at the top of the page. To view all the categories, click on Show All Categories.

To view all of Penny Souq’s current suppliers, click on Show All Suppliers, to show less, click on Show Less Suppliers.
To show all brands available on Penny Souq, click on Show All Brands.
Another way of accessing all categories is by clicking one of the categories listed at the bottom of the page. Moreover, the Suppliers, About us page, Terms & Conditions, as well as FAQs, can be found there as well.
Search Bar
There are two search options: either by product or by supplier name.
Product name:
The user can search for any product they are looking for by filling in any of the listed options, such as the product’s SKU, name, size, brand, color, etc.

The above example is searching by product name.
Supplier Name:
The user can search for a particular supplier/vendor as well, by following the steps found below.
Click on Products then select Suppliers, to search for a certain supplier/vendor.
Filter and Sort
Filter and sort are some of the many useful tools available for Penny Souq users, they allow users to narrow down their search results for a particular item instead of having to scroll through pages looking for it.

Here is an example of a user searching for a product in the Abrasives category.

As shown in the figure above, there are many sub-categories inside the Abrasives category. Going through a certain sub-category to search for a product will save the user's time by narrowing down the search. But using the Filter tool will make the search much faster, as there wouldn’t be any searching and looking for a product involved once the user searches by product info.
Users can filter by brand or supplier by simply clicking on Brand or Supplier to select their desired brand or Supplier. For more filtration options, users can select the +More button.
There are more options that will narrow down the search results. In the example above, certain brands were selected.
The specifications of each product will be listed here, and the user can select the specification they are looking for (such as Size, Type, Color, Width, Height, etc…).
After selecting the desired specifications, click on Apply Filters.
To undo the filtration click on Reset button.
Select Products
After finding the desired products, the user can add them to their Order or RFQ.
The products that only display ADD TO RFQ are offered by their supplier on the condition of placing a RFQ. While the products that display ADD TO ORDER are ones available through direct purchase order only. If the product displays ACTIONS, it can be purchased either way.
In the example above, the product is offered by 1 supplier and has a set MOQ (RFQ): 3 and MOQ(Order):1.
MOQ (RFQ) : Meaning that the minimum order quantity is 3, and the buyer cannot order less than this.
MOQ (Order): meaning that the minimum direct order quantity is 1 and above.
The supplier who supplies this product is the one who sets the MOQ.
To add an item to RFQ or Direct Purchase Order (AKA: Order) click on the ACTIONS button and choose the desired option.
The picture above is another example of selecting a product, this product is sold by 5 different suppliers, and the values of MOQ (RFQ) and MOQ (Order) are a range of the entered values from those five suppliers. To show all suppliers and what they are offering click on Show Suppliers (5).
As shown in the picture, each vendor has set a different price, MOQ (Order), MOQ (RFQ), and the availability of adding the product to either RFQ, Direct Purchase order, or both.