To begin processing the RFQ offer completed in E-source, click on the latest pending order, the form containing the order details will open.
This section shows the item requested, the price of the offer that was accepted, delivery ETA, payment term and the location for delivery.
The “Actions” button in the top right corner houses some useful functionality, those include:
Sends the order through whatsapp to the vendor mobile number directly.
Downloads the order in a PDF format
Opens the View vendor side panel, containing the vendor information
Shows a timeline and work flow of the current order.
Before the order is submitted, Terms & conditions must be added for the order. This can be done by clicking on the “Select Terms & Conditions” button on the right side of form.
Click on the Terms & conditions you want to apply to the order. Once finished, click
The Terms and conditions button should now change to indicate terms has been applied:
Now since the process is done, click on “Submit Order” to submit the order to the vendor.
Once submitted, the vendor receives an email notifying them of the order:
The vendors here may review your order, and are able to accept or reject an order, as well as providing you with comments.
Once the order has been accepted by the vendor, it will move to the GRN.