Bills & Payments

Bills & Payments

Bills & Payments

The Bills and Payments page will contain all the bills (Pending, Paid), and the payments sections.

To view the bill, click on Bill ID, then a details page of the bill will open.

Thre are two payment methods:
  • SADAD Reference Number: will be generated once the user clicks on the Generate SADAD button.

  • Direct Bank Transfer: Transfer to the supplier’s bank account.

If the customer choose Direct Bank Transfer, The IBAN and bank name of the supplier will appear.  All the buyer needs to do is transfer the total amount and upload the receipts by clicking on the Upload Payment Receipt(s) button.  Then click on the Submit Payment button, to send the payment receipt. 

Penny Souq allows users to view the file they had uploaded by clicking on View.

If the user wishes to pay by SADAD service select SADAD Reference Number, then click on Generate SADAD.   A generated number will appear, copy it, and pay to that number.  Unlike Direct Bank Transfer no need to upload any receipt. 

Once the payment is sent successfully, the bill will move to the Paid Bill section. 


In the Payments section, all the completed payment operations will be listed here with their Payment Method, total Paid Amount, and Date and Time. 

Customer can pay for multiple bills at the same time by selecting the bills, select the supplier from the Select Supplier drop-down list, then select the payment method from the drop-down list.  To process to payment click on Proceed To Payment button

In the example above, the customer chose the SADAD service for the payment.